Santa Sofia s.r.l.
Via Ca’ Dedè, San Pietro in Cariano
Tel. +39 045 7701074 P.IVA IT 00224320234

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Croara del Lago Garda DOC 2022


Production area
The production area is situated in the southern shores of Lake Garda, with vineyards planted on morainic hills. The soil is mostly with clay and sand.

Grape varieties
White grapes blend

In stainless steel tanks. About 3 months in the bottle.

Wine analysis
Alcohol 12% vol.
Total acidity 5,9‰
Residual sugar 3,7 g/l

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Sensory impressions:
Deep straw colour with greenish hues. Dominated by a floral pot-pourri, which reminds you of elder flower and herbs such as lemon balm and vervain. Harmonious sip, vibrant with crisp acidity and a pleasant sapidity. Citrus and tropical notes of lime, winter cherries and apple.

Recommended food pairings:
Croara is the ideal pairing to first course dish with white fish, frying and crudité. Perfect with seafood and crustacean, then with young cheese and delicate meat.



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